Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cooking Adventures- Mr. Potato Head

It all started a few days ago or maybe a years ago? Its hard to know when the adventure started. Like most great adventures the protagonist had to be shaped, molded, and tested before the true adventure began. This story is no exception. Growing up I always loved to help in the kitchen. I have loved being around and cooking food my whole life. I loved kneaded the dough. I loved decorating the Halloween cookies. I loved mixing, melting, and molding. But I always had a coach each step of the way. Until recently.

Living out at college my love for cooking slowly was swallowed up by papers, convience, and general dorm life. But at last it was reborn! I moved out on my own. I started with the easy things: eggs, waffles, bread, ect. All the while honing my skills waiting for the true battles to come. I gathered receipes waiting for the day I would really dive in. That day came a few days ago when I realized I had a bag of potatoes going bad. WHAT WAS A MAN TO DO!!!!!!!!! Luckly, I knew I had a potato soup recipe a dear friend gave to me! I peeled and chopped 4 potatoes. I mangled one onion. Mixed in two cans chicken broth. Waited, added milk and flour. Waited added cheese and sour cream. Pesto a job well done!

Potatoes 0
Dan 1

Next would come my mom's famous mashed potato season a holiday favorite in our household. I was nervous how could I live up too it? Was I even worthy? I took on the battle. Peeling cutting, and mashing 5 lbs of potatoes. It was looking good. Victory was in sight I could taste the win in the air. I placed the mixture in a cooking dish to wait and see the outcome. One hour later the true test came. While it wasn't mom's cooking, I again would say a job well done!

Potatoes 0
Dan 2

Oh and look I had some fun with those potatoes!

But there was still one more battle to fight! I had a recipe for potato cakes. This particular recipe called for left over mashed potatoes. How convient for me considering I had 5 lbs of the stuff. But this battle would prove to be more difficult. I mixed and I rolled. I fried and I .... FAILED. I found it impossible to flip those little cakes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it quite right! So what was I left with? A pile of half-burned potato cake mix and a big mess in my kitchen.

Potatoes 1
Dan 2

Am I defeated? No! Am I downtrodden? By no means! Look at the score Dan 2, Potatoes 1. I will learn to cook one recipe at a time!


PS If you live in or near Spokane come eat some mashed potatoes, sorry the soup is all gone.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have always been amazed at God's ability to touch the depths of my heart. I am no way trying to limit God but it still just blows me away even after the 100th time. I have fought this battle constantly since being here. When I left salem I left so much behind. I miss living in a dorm with 40 other guys. I miss being able to go to a coffee shop and being gaurteed to see someone I know. I miss eating every meal with other people. I miss living 20 minutes from my mom and an hour away from my dad. And the list goes on. I have been struggling with feeling lonely. I built a life for myself in Salem, too much of one. I fell in love with being someone. I worshiped that idea. Then God called me here.

For the first few weeks it was pure exstasy I was doing what I love. I was riding the high of acutally getting paid to drink coffee, play video games, speak truth, and be compassionate. I hontestly don't think there is a better job out there for me. But soon reality sank in. I spending nights at home by myself from the time I got off work to the time I went to sleep. Granted, not many because I have a great church family who invites me over to their houses on a regular bases. But slowly lonliness started to creep in. This last week it reached its peak. But then sunday came.

It was a Sunday like many others. Got up went to church to pray at 8, greeted people then went to youth sunday school. I walked into the santurary, praying that God would really change my heart. A song played with this line "though none go with me I will follow". I was thinking to myself no one followed me here and that is ok I still will follow. I prayed to God that he would be my sustairer, my all in all, my satisfaction. That he would be everything I need. My source of joy. That He would take victory over these feelings. God came through.

Its a constant struggle for me to have God be all I need. I love people with passion. I care about them deeply and often seek that more then God himself. I am so thankful that God provided for me a loving church family that is meeting my needs in so many areas including the need for relationships. But God needs to be the one who is my source of joy. He needs to be my comfort, my All in All. And at least for today he is. I am thankful for the friends and families that are here. And I am thankful for the ones I left at home. God is good, All the time. All the time, God is good. He has given me victory, because he stepped in. Nothing that I have done. Praise be to him forever and ever.

With Love and Thankfulness,

I am praying that you are discovering everyday the joy you can find in Jesus. That you're allowing him to be your all in all. If your not I would love to talk to you about what that looks like. How it looks to live a life that is focused on Jesus. I have in no way arrived. But let's do this journey together.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Here's to Summer

For those of you that know me well, you know I hate heat. Give me raining and overcast any day. Because of this I often find myself longing for fall. I can't wait to wake up cold. I can't wait to have to wear a sweatshirt for most of the day. But summer does have its good things too.

What a summer its been. Graduating college, within a month moving to a new city, having my first full time job, teaching, planning, etc. If you haven't heard I got my own bike and I really do enjoy it. There are some guys in the church that I go riding with. Its awesome. I like biking. Now if I could find some people to play soccer with then that would be sweet.  A lot really has happen since May when I graduated, too much in fact for this blog post.

Its hard to believe that I have been here for 3 months now. In some ways it feels like I have been here forever and in some ways it seems like I just got here yesterday. What a journey its been. I have been stretched, loved, mold, and changed. I often find myself comparing my time here with my time in Chicago. Starting a new life from scratch. Pouring it all out to start over again. I am so thankful for that summer. Not only did I spend time with my amazing brother. But I can totally see how God grew me there. It prepared me for a permanent leave. I built my life in Salem. And some days I will be honest its really hard. But gosh I know God is using me here. The youth are awesome and I am continually growing closer to them. God is using me in their lives. I am excited about where we will be going this fall.

I have told my students that school year is such a great chance for them to make friends and to share the gospel. To be Christ like followers on their campuses. I am excited for them and this opportunity. I am excited for the growth that school will cause in them. About half of my youth group in involved in sports and I plan on attending many games over the next several months. Can't wait to see them in action. I have grown to really care about these students. They all have their unique gifts and talents. I know God is working in their hearts.

As for social life I am making friends here and there. But nothing like Farrar life. I spent 4 years living with 45+ guys for 9 months out of the year. What a change! But their is beauty in this life too. I find my relationship with God is stronger then it has been since Chicago. I find I am diving into the recesses of my heart to find the good, the bad and the ugly. I am truly learning to love my alone time. To think, process, clean, and cook. And I am enjoying even more the time I do spend with friends. The friends I have made have been so good to me. Its amazing what God can do in three months. I am excited about what he is going to do over the next three!

With Love,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

He is no fool!

These last few weeks have been total chaos with VBS, Camp and people visiting. Its been almost a week since we got back from camp. For those of you that know me at all, know I love camp. I spent 3 summers basically at camp. Gosh I miss that. But what an opportunity to see camp in such a different light. To be there as a leader to students I had already been working with. It was a blast. My prayer for the group from the beginning was for all 19 of us to go home changed, leaders included. It did my heart well to see all of our students stand and commit to something. Some committed to living one life. This was a huge theme of the camp to be the same person regardless of where we are. To bring the same person at church at school at work and at play. As for me I fell more in love with my God and Savior. By far the coolest experience was taking the time to pray for each individual student. The Holy Spirit used us leaders in powerful ways that night. It was a private moment for each student to be prayed over by each leader. Prayer is powerful. I know in my life it has been so meaningful to me to have people pray out loud for me. With that I want to challenge you with this. If you say to someone I will be praying for you. Why not take the time to do it right then and there? You may be surprised to see how much God uses you.

This last weekend I had my mom and my best friend in town. Wow what a blessing. These two people are two of my favorite people. I love them both to death. My mom and I went to a silver mine in Idaho that was pretty cool. My best friend and I mostly just chilled. But that was refreshing and needed and great. It was hard to see them go. Reminded me a lot of what I have given up in coming here. But I will count all things as loss in order to gain Christ.

There is always themes in my life of what God is teaching me and this has been the theme of late. I hear it in Sunday school. I hear it in sermons. I heard it at camp. We live in a broken world and a broken society. They tell us to be our own man. To do what makes us happy. Yet at the end of their life their fortune and fame amounts for nothing. What good is it to gain the whole world and lose our soul? If we pour all we have into selfish vain things. At the end of it all it will count for nothing. But if we invest in what's eternal then at the end of it all it will be worth something. This has been the lesson for me lately I am having to learn all over again what it means to give it up in order to better serve. I have given up friends, family, and Farrar in order to come here. I am leaning on Him and He will be my comfort. But God has called me here and I am blessed with a great church family and a great group of students. I realize I needed to be taken out I cared more about spending time with friends then I did about truly investing my time. And that is the lesson in full circle. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose".

I hope your are learning from my rants. Take the time to evaluate what you need to give up to follow Christ. What is weighing you down? For me it was the need to please people and be around people. My life was the people around me, Christ was in many ways not at the center. For you it could be work, television, boys, girls, cars, facebook, ect. I am not trying to say these are bad but they are when they get in the way with your relationship with Jesus. So again I ask what do you need to give up?

For those of you that may read this and have yet to know Jesus, to begin to understand that he loves you and desires to have a relationship with you. I would love to talk to you. I will not pressure you or "shove the bible down your throat". But instead I would love to show why this is so important in my life and what he has done for me. I would love to show you how to live a life with significance and meaning. Because the God who created everything we see around us wants you. I would love to start the discussion.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Preaching: Mark 8:34-38

This last Sunday I had a great opportunity to preach at the church. This was somewhere between the 15th and 16th time preaching. I know I have a long ways to go and a lot of areas to grow in. In a lot of ways I feel inadequate to do his work. I feel that my preaching is not where it should be. But it amazes me how God has used me preaching and continues to use it.

My last sermon was on the end of Mark 8 verses 34-38. It was about following Jesus and the cost it takes. This has been a passion of mine lately. What it really means to follow Jesus with everything. We see in this verse a few key things. That we need to deny ourselves and live for Christ. We need to pick our cross to identify with Jesus in life and in death. We need to be willing to follow Jesus even if it costs us our life. We need to give up everything we old dear to in order to follow Jesus. I am not saying sell everything but to stop holding on to them, and do with them what we will. This is what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus, dying to ourselves in order to live for Christ.

The sermon will be available at this link for a couple weeks if you would like to hear it.


I pray that your are finding how to live better for Christ. If you have yet to know him I would love to talk to you about that some time.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fundraising Philosophy

I am still loving my job so very much and I thought I would take some time on this blog to describe my philosophy behind youth fundraising. While I have only be doing this for a month I think I have learned some powerful truths.

Students have to pay their way to camp either them or their parents. Because of this we do a lot of fundraisers so students don't have pay as much. I believe camp can be a vital and impactful part of a students walk with Christ. Therefore I don't ever want money to stand in the way of a student going. But this in itself in a way can create a dilemma. After all we live in a money hungry society that often worships success and fame over the one true God. Therefore, I don't want me or the youth group to appear to be money hungry. We are suppose to rely on God and trust him to fulfill his will in our lives money or no money.

Which brings me to the fundraising itself. How can we show Christ's love and compassion and still earn money? I feel donations are the best way. While not all fundraisers will be just donations I feel that the majority should. Take for instance this last Saturday we did a car wash. We advertised as a free car wash, donations only, youth fundraiser. This way people paid what they could afford to pay. I honestly wish we could have washed some cars for people who couldn't afford it at all. But people feel obligated to pay something. We can show love and compassion by willing to do the work no matter the pay. If we view it as a ministry more then an opportunity to earn money. If we view as a chance to impact someone's life. Then we won't care how much they pay any money is a blessing. This goes with many of the fundraisers that I have been doing and will do.

I understand that not all fundraisers can be done with way for various reasons, but I have found the joy in serving instead of simply trying to earn some money.

In Him,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Is this real life?

Oh man so much has happened and life is awesome!!!
We have had several youth events and its great. Last Tuesday we drove to Leavenworth and hung out and had a blast. This last Sunday we put on an Italian Lunch Fundraiser to help kids go to camp! It was awesome we raised a lot of money and had some good times. I am excited about what is coming up. We got a work day tomorrow! Thursday we are seeing toy story 3. Saturday we are having a car wash. Life is just awesome.

I am staying so very busy. Its feels like I am living a normal life here. I love my job. I keep wondering if this honeymoon phase will wear off and when. But getting to know the students better. But what has been cool lately is getting to know the parents. I really appreciate them and all the hard work they put into the ministry and into their students. I view youth ministry as a partnership with parents. While I understand at times parents are not involved. But as a youth minister I need to administer too and work with families as a whole. We are in this together.

So things have been pretty crazy with personal stuff. My washer overflowed, my oven didn't work, my mail wasn't getting here and now my computer might be close to being finished. Fortunately, I have a good friend who is helping me work on it. I am thankful for good friends oh so very thankful.

I am excited about where God is taking me. Praise be to Him forever and ever Amen!

Loving in His name,

P.S. Youth that are vacation I miss you!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hello my Friends,

I have been here in Spokane for about a little over a week. And what a blessed time. I have spend some time doing direct ministry and I am excited about doing more. So that means if your a youth at my church lets hang soon. I am really excited about this week of ministry I got meetings set up and am hanging out with youth! I am excited about meeting with other people who are helping in the ministry. I am so blessed by this church and the way they are administering to me. I keep getting asked what else I need and wow what a blessing. I know I may have said that a lot in the last couple blogs but I can't help be blown way but the love and support I have received.

This last weekend was interesting. I spent the majoring of the time by myself and am reminded a lot of my time in Chicago which in turn makes me miss Chicago and my brother. But I am finding I enjoy some time to myself more then I am use to. This makes me wonder why that is. Maybe a full time ministry job grants me the face time I need! But a few cool things did happen this weekend. Saturday morning I was able to go on a 15 mile bike ride which I am still sore from but it was awesome. I was able to spend time with some guys in the church and really enjoy myself. I love riding my bike and am looking forward to buying one soon when I get the money! Sunday was an awesome day! It was the 5 year anniversary of the senior pastor being the senior pastor. For those of you who don't know statistically Senior Pastors only stay for about 3 years. So its a blessing. He truly is a great guy and has impacted the church greatly. The Senior Pastor really enjoys Elvis so the college/career group prepared a lip sync 2 song set. I really enjoyed myself and I know he enjoyed it as well. Later that day I was able to go swimming and spend a good chunk of my day hanging with some new friends. Gosh I am seeing God's provision more and more with each passing day.

I am loving being a Youth Pastor and am excited to continue to poor into students lives. Tomorrow should be a good day of ministry. We are helping move a woman's stuff who passed away. I am just happy I am able to help. And I know at least one of my students is coming and hopefully another one. Love those kids already. Then tomorrow night we are having a movie, games, dinner, night at the Pastor's house its good times!

Still Living the Dream!


P.S. I need to take more pictures!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Living the Dream

Wow I don't even know where to begin but I am overwhelmed by two things currently going on in my life.

First and foremost my new church family is awesome. They have welcomed me so quickly and readily. They have given me more then I ever expected and am so thankful without them I would be in a sad place indeed. They have given me so many things for my Kitchen and its great. In addition they have given me a dinning room table, coffee table, dressers and so so much more! They even decked out my bathroom in purple and green my two favorite colors! I am overwhelmed by the love and support the church has shown me. But don't you worry Sherwood, Perrydale or Morning Star I haven't forgotten you once church family always church family! Just know I am in good hands here at Driscoll.

The second overwhelming thing that I am living a dream. I have dreamed for a long time the day when I get to enter full time ministry. And here I am after a weeks worth of work and just loving it. I have been working with youth for a few years now and am so excited to pour even more into them. Full time ministry is really a dream come true! Thankful for this opportunity. I can't believe I got it so close after graduating college.

A few weeks ago I was challenged to write down the reasons why I was confident that God has called me here. So I thought I would share them with you. First the fact that I am actually here is a great indication that this is where God wants me to be. Second He literally closed all the other doors. I applied to other churches and turned them down for various reasons and they turned me down for various reasons. This really was a great fit. Third not being in full time ministry before this I have people here who are willing to take the time and train me. That is a huge blessing and am so thankful. Lastly, it my sound trivial but I really feel called to the Northwest and here I am still in the Northwest.

Also for those who were wondering my apartment is pretty much set up working on final touches but should be good to go soon!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I am so blessed; thank you

As I write this blog I am overcome with emotions. Ever since I graduated and moved out of the dorm I have had very few days of boredom. I have kept myself busy with friends, family and ministry. Its been a great few weeks. These last few days have been especially meaningful.

Last Wednesday was my last RIOT. It was goodbye night. That was the last RIOT for seniors, myself and some other leaders. I am so blessed to have been at Morning Star this year. I am reminded how God brought me to that church. Being an RA my junior year one of my residents asked me to go to the college group at Morning Star. Soon I was going every week. I got close to the Pastors quickly. The College ministry is run by the high school pastor, the middle pastor and a teaching/worship pastor. What a blessing that was! Towards the end of the year the high school Pastor Jared asked me if I would intern for him. I took a couple months to pray about it. That was a hard decision to make for sure! But so glad I did, I was trained, stretched, loved, needed, molded and used.

That Thursday I was able to go out to dinner with a dear friend of mine. That was some sweet time of just being able to hang out. I love friends. That night I drove to my friend's house who I am actually friends with the whole family. I stayed there for two nights. It was great being able to just relax sit by the fire and spend time with a family I love.

I left their house on Saturday drove straight to church for my last Saturday service. Right after that drove up to St. Paul for a farewell bonfire at my best friends house. Lots of old friends showed up. It was good seeing them. Ended staying out with them until like two in the morning. Gosh I love nights like that.

Drove back home then slept for not much time. Went and meet a very good friend for coffee. We have gone to school together and were able to just encourage and lift each other up. We talked ministry, life, love, and Jesus. Thankful for his friendship.

After that I drove to my last Sunrise (Sunday school) and officially gave the reigns over to my replacement. I am so excited he is actually the guy who led the mission trip. SO a lot of my guys know and love him. He has been hanging out for the last month. It is a blessing to see him step in and I know they are going to go far together.

That afternoon I drove up to my home town to hang with two of my best buds. Love them both! Stayed there for about a day slept there and just chilled. It was a goodbye of sorts. So good just to hang out and see there new place. Going to miss them.

That brings us to tonight. I am so blessed. A friend of mined decided that I had to have a going away party and offered up here house. So many people came. Friends, family, students, ministry partners, everyone! I love them all so so so much! Got emotional a couple times. Hard to say goodbye. I think it all feels surreal. But it feels good to know I am loved. This is my official thank you to those who came to the party. So thanks for coming it was a great time and great to see you all stay in touch! Those who didn't I understand. It was a huge blessing for sure!


Stay in touch everyone!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Life is Crazy!

Well its been a while and a lot has happened. I have officially graduated college with the best grades of my life. Once I get my diploma I will have two degrees one in Youth and Family Studies Psychology and the other in Student and Family Ministries. As I reflect on my time at Corban one truth seems to come forth more then any other. I am a very different person today then when I started college. The biggest change of all is that I am confident in who God has made and his plan for my life. These last four years have had some big ups and some big downs. But, God has worked amazingly in my life to bring me to today. I am grown a lot in my leadership abilities and skills. I have at the privilege to lead at camps, two different youth groups, wyldlife, and as an RA. I love ministry and so glad I have had these opportunities. I am thankful for the friends, students, staff and faculty that have had such a profound impact on my life while my time at Corban.

The second big thing is that I have a job! I am moving June 4th to Spokane Washington to be a full time youth pastor. I am so excited! This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I remember being a kid and wondering why I didn't desire to go over seas. Its because God has called me to work with the youth and families here. I am excited to walk into students lives like people walked into mine. I know God will use me and am so excited to see how. I have been looking forward to the day when I get to enter full time ministry. It truly is a dream come true. God is on the move in my life all I have to do is choose to follow. Praise be to Him. While I have never been a youth pastor I am going to have lots of support. They have people that will train me better how to do the ministry. My heart truly breaks for students and am excited to work with them full time.

These last few weeks have been so awesome. Because I am no longer in school and no longer RA, which saddens me greatly, I have been freed to do ministry at church. I love my small group and been able to spend lots of time with them. I have also been able to have lots of good times with friends. God has blessed me so much! Sam threw me a great birthday party. Looking forward to these last two weeks. Then off to a new adventure!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

My First Mission Trip

I don't even know where to begin I have been home for about a week now. And this morning I am experiencing the missionary blues. Jeff, the leader of the trip, said more then once that the things we are doing here can be done at home. Yet I find in myself no desire to do that work. I make excuses. I am an RA, an intern at a church and a full time student. Do I really have time to reach out into the community? The answer should always be yes. So this morning I am asking God to rebreak my heart. To break it for the needy, the down and out. To break it for those who aren't being loved. I am asking him to remove my skepticism, my doubts. Lord help me to live out here what we lived out there.

The whole week I couldn't help but think that this was more what life was supposed to be like. First of all we were living out the gospel. We were loving on the people of Tacoma. We went to a family shelter, new life shelter, and other places to help prepare and serve lunch. We had VBS at two different locations. We served in a food bank sorting and handing out food. We served in a donation center. In addition we did work around the church and school that we were staying. We reached out and loved on the people of Tacoma. When the opportunities came we shared the love what we had found in Jesus. While I know we had the week off so it made serving the people easy. But it made me think. Shouldn't we be making time to serve the people of Salem? Shouldn't I be making time to serve the people of Salem? To help those in need? To show the love that I have found.

Second, we lived in real community. I believe at the core of who were are is relational. I believe that part of being made in the image of God is being relational. He exists in a continual perfect relationship with himself. We look at the Adam and Eve. They lived in perfect relationship before the fall. While in Tacoma I couldn't help be think that we were living this out. Within two days we were bonded like a family. 27 students and 11 leaders. We lived together, eat together, served together and laughed together. As a team we wrote 1000 encouragement cards to each other. In our broken culture the individual is emphasized so much that it hinders community. But here we lived it out. Every night we had family time which was by far my favorite time. We started off with all stars, people who stuck out that day for doing something good. Then we had God stories, stories of how God moved. Next a few people would share their testimony. Some of the people that shared we prayed over. Finally, we worshiped God through music. I believe community in heaven will be much stronger then what we had. But I believe this was a glimpse into what it will be like. We listened to each other. We laughed with each other. We lived life together. We sat in each others pains. We lived out what it meant to bare one anothers burdens and what it meant to be in real community.

Lastly, people's lives were changed. When a group of people are living out the gospel and living in community how can lives not be changed? There were stories of redemption. Stories of joy. Stories of sorrow. God was in them all. He is in my story. I am not sure how different of a person I am today because of this trip. But I can tell you one thing God moved. So many students and leaders walked away with a changed life. So many people in the places we served walked away with changed lives. God Moved.

Now I ask you. I ask you how are you living out the Gospel? How are you loving on the people around you? Are you living in community? I ask you to join me and keep me accountable. I ask you to challenge me. Lets do this thing together. Lets live out the gospel and love those around us.

In Him,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Journey of Worship

I have been on a incredible journey of worship. I grew in a church I love very dearly but it never inspired in me real life moving worship. I never raised me hands I hated to stand when, even if everyone was doing it. We sang old songs and only semi-new ones. I was at church for the message and the fellowship never for the music. Before I continue let explain something. I believe we are made to worship and I feel we will worship something even if its just ourselves. I believe worshiping God goes beyond music, but we can worship God in our daily activities.

But anyway when it came to worship I never worshiped God that way. It just never was a big deal to me. I came to corban and found a church very similar to the one back home. I too loved this church and many things about it. But still music wasn't my thing. I struggled to worship God through it. Well over the the past few months I have been on quiet the journey. I have found myself crying in worship. I have found myself standing when few others are. I find my feet moving to the music. I see my hands raised in the air. I do not say things to brag but to thank Jesus for what he is doing in my heart. I started going to morning star and the worship music is really awesome. We have talented musicians and very good leaders. They have started to influence my baptist roots. Now the spirit moves and I stand I cry out to Jesus with my words of the song. I sing loud and I sing proud.

So I wonder where you are. Maybe you too like to sit in worship time. Maybe it seems weird for you to raise your hands. Just give it a shot. I have found ways to truly worship through the music for the first time in my life. I hope your will discover the joy of being swept in Jesus through music.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a servan's heart

I don't know about you but it seems like for me I here the same theme in my life for a period of time. Here is what I mean. Recently I keep hearing messages on serving God, or it keeps coming up in discussion. This seems to happen and when I finally get it through my thick skull that God is trying to teaching me something. So today's blog is about being a servant.

For the last several years I have been leading somewhere doing something. I have put in somewhere about 20 hours of camps, led wyldlife for two years, led now at churches for 2 1/2 years, and been an RA for 1 1/2 years. I am no stranger to service. But does serving simply make someone a servant? Of coarse in a sense it does. But in a greater sense no. I remember when I first worked at wildhorse back in 05 I fell in love with serving God. I was doing something bigger then myself for the first time ever. I was working long hard hours for Jesus, he was my joy and my love and this was my way of giving back. But recently I think something has gone array. I still love serving but I think now its for the wrong reasons. I look for my guys to tell me that they appreciate what I am doing. I look for affirmation from my bosses that I am doing a good job. I am committing a great sin and searching for the praises of men.

So what am I to do? I sought the praise of men and fell short. I seek approval of those who should not be worried about.

Maybe you are there with me. Maybe you struggle with seeking the praise of those you respect and those who you administer to. If so join me in my prayer.

Dear Lord,

I ask that you renew my heart, mind and attitude. Make them align with yours. I am tired of seeking man's praise and not yours. Help me to see you more clearly. Help me to understand that your opinion is what matter more then anyone else's. Help my ministry not become an idol but use me Lord for your glory and your purposes. Lord help me to Love you in this and give it over to you. Ultimately, give me a servant's heart like I once had. In your name.

I pray that you will have a servant's heart!