Living out at college my love for cooking slowly was swallowed up by papers, convience, and general dorm life. But at last it was reborn! I moved out on my own. I started with the easy things: eggs, waffles, bread, ect. All the while honing my skills waiting for the true battles to come. I gathered receipes waiting for the day I would really dive in. That day came a few days ago when I realized I had a bag of potatoes going bad. WHAT WAS A MAN TO DO!!!!!!!!! Luckly, I knew I had a potato soup recipe a dear friend gave to me! I peeled and chopped 4 potatoes. I mangled one onion. Mixed in two cans chicken broth. Waited, added milk and flour. Waited added cheese and sour cream. Pesto a job well done!
Potatoes 0
Dan 1
Next would come my mom's famous mashed potato season a holiday favorite in our household. I was nervous how could I live up too it? Was I even worthy? I took on the battle. Peeling cutting, and mashing 5 lbs of potatoes. It was looking good. Victory was in sight I could taste the win in the air. I placed the mixture in a cooking dish to wait and see the outcome. One hour later the true test came. While it wasn't mom's cooking, I again would say a job well done!
Potatoes 0
Dan 2
Oh and look I had some fun with those potatoes!
But there was still one more battle to fight! I had a recipe for potato cakes. This particular recipe called for left over mashed potatoes. How convient for me considering I had 5 lbs of the stuff. But this battle would prove to be more difficult. I mixed and I rolled. I fried and I .... FAILED. I found it impossible to flip those little cakes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it quite right! So what was I left with? A pile of half-burned potato cake mix and a big mess in my kitchen.
Potatoes 1
Dan 2
Am I defeated? No! Am I downtrodden? By no means! Look at the score Dan 2, Potatoes 1. I will learn to cook one recipe at a time!
PS If you live in or near Spokane come eat some mashed potatoes, sorry the soup is all gone.
Hey man, I just caught up on your life reading the last few months of blog posts! Great stuff, so exciting to hear how God is using you and continuing to stretch you.