Friday, September 3, 2010

Here's to Summer

For those of you that know me well, you know I hate heat. Give me raining and overcast any day. Because of this I often find myself longing for fall. I can't wait to wake up cold. I can't wait to have to wear a sweatshirt for most of the day. But summer does have its good things too.

What a summer its been. Graduating college, within a month moving to a new city, having my first full time job, teaching, planning, etc. If you haven't heard I got my own bike and I really do enjoy it. There are some guys in the church that I go riding with. Its awesome. I like biking. Now if I could find some people to play soccer with then that would be sweet.  A lot really has happen since May when I graduated, too much in fact for this blog post.

Its hard to believe that I have been here for 3 months now. In some ways it feels like I have been here forever and in some ways it seems like I just got here yesterday. What a journey its been. I have been stretched, loved, mold, and changed. I often find myself comparing my time here with my time in Chicago. Starting a new life from scratch. Pouring it all out to start over again. I am so thankful for that summer. Not only did I spend time with my amazing brother. But I can totally see how God grew me there. It prepared me for a permanent leave. I built my life in Salem. And some days I will be honest its really hard. But gosh I know God is using me here. The youth are awesome and I am continually growing closer to them. God is using me in their lives. I am excited about where we will be going this fall.

I have told my students that school year is such a great chance for them to make friends and to share the gospel. To be Christ like followers on their campuses. I am excited for them and this opportunity. I am excited for the growth that school will cause in them. About half of my youth group in involved in sports and I plan on attending many games over the next several months. Can't wait to see them in action. I have grown to really care about these students. They all have their unique gifts and talents. I know God is working in their hearts.

As for social life I am making friends here and there. But nothing like Farrar life. I spent 4 years living with 45+ guys for 9 months out of the year. What a change! But their is beauty in this life too. I find my relationship with God is stronger then it has been since Chicago. I find I am diving into the recesses of my heart to find the good, the bad and the ugly. I am truly learning to love my alone time. To think, process, clean, and cook. And I am enjoying even more the time I do spend with friends. The friends I have made have been so good to me. Its amazing what God can do in three months. I am excited about what he is going to do over the next three!

With Love,

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