Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jesus my all in all

To be open and honest I have not been doing the best lately. I have been short tempered. I mean shorter tempered and slightly depressed and I think it all boils down to one thing. That thing is that Jesus isn't my all in all. I don't want you to get the wrong idea I am not so upset that you need to worry. I AM OK! But Jesus isn't who I am putting all my faith and trust in.

My whole life I have felt a little strange and a little different. And most of my life I had been mostly ok with it. But a friend came along and we got to know each other better. Well eventually I began to realize that she got me better then anyone had before. I could talk to her about anything and she would almost always know how to respond. But as life goes on we drifted and she no longer was a person I could go to with things. For the first time in my life I felt someone got it. And then poof she was gone.

I am still trying to find that person who will get it. Who will get why I do the things I do. The person who will accept me and love me for exactly who I am. I know I have friends and family who love me but you get what I am saying. Every corner I turn I am still looking. But you see I have him. Jesus gets me way better then she ever did. He understands why I do the things I do. And he isn't going anywhere. Jesus loves me enough that he died for me! And while I still may find another person I will never find someone as good as Jesus. He needs to be my all in all. My life, my true care. Jesus needs to be the one I am looking for.

My prayer for you is that you will join my journey. That you will find that Jesus needs to be your all in all. Fight for it. Pray that Jesus helps you to find fulfillment in him!


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